Friday, December 17, 2010

Baduy, second day.

Hey people! Since I was have exams, I haven't post the next story about Baduy. Well, here it is!

Jadi, pagi-pagi, kita semua bangun. Sekitar jam setengah 6an, kita ke kali buat ambil wudhu buat solat. Abis solat, kita hafalin lagi ayat-ayat yang semalem kita harus hafalin, soalnya, setiap orang harus setor hafalan ke pak Bobby. Nah, setelah semuanya udah setoran hafalan, kita pergi ke sungai. Kalau kita mau ke sungai itu, butuh perjuangan yang besar. Pertama, kita harus ngelewatin jembatan yang goyang-goyang, terus kita harus ngelewatin tanjakan liciiiiiin. Udah gitu, ngeliat kondisi sungai yang airnya butek gara-gara abis hujan, yang cewek-cewek balik lagi ke kali yang kemaren kita mandi. Tapi, karena gue males bgt mandinya, jadi, gue tinggal aja dirumah.

Abis pada selesai mandi, kita semua makan terus siap-siap pulang. Nah pas pulang, astaga! Kita nanjak tanjakan yang kayak gak ada abis nya :O Gue sampe keabisan nafas. Dan lebih parahnya, minum gue abis. Untung ada pak Bobby. Tas gue di angkat sama dia jadi gak terlalu berat o:)

Nah pas turunan, sepeatu gue jebol. Dan akhirnya gue ganti sendal. Eh, bukannya lebih enak gitu jalannya, gue malah kepleset. Celana, baju, tas gue kotor semua. Tapi untungnya, gara-gara gue jatoh tas gue jadi dibawain dan akhirnya gue nyeker dari tempat guejatoh sampe ke tempatnya ms. Nur.

Di tronton, kita semua pada nyanyi-nyayi. Ada juga yang kena hukuman gara-gara kalah games. Walaupun sampe ada yang sakit dan perjalanan di jalan macet banget, tapi gue seneng banget! This is one of the best moments with firgenozta 2011 :D

And here are some photos:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Baduy, first day.

Kamis, 2 Desember 2010.

Hari ini gue dan temen-temen seangkatan gue (firgenozta 2011) pergi ke Baduy dalam rangka karyawisata sekolah. Kita harus kumpul di sekolah jam setengah 6 pagi, dan kita baru berangkat jam setengah 8 (-_-). Kita berangkat ke Baduy naik tronton. Tronton adalah sebuah kendaraan yang besar, berwarna hijau, dan bisa memuat sekitar 40an orang dan juga beserta barang-barangnya. Perjalanan di tronton memakan waktu sekitar 8 jam. Selama di perjalanan, gue banyak ngobrol sama temen-temen gue dan juga tidur.

Setelah menghabis kan waktu di tronton, akhirnya kita sampai di Ciboleger. Itu adalah tempat dimana tronton kita di parkir dan kita harus berjalan untuk sampai perkampungan dimana nanti kita akan home stay selama satu malam. Perjalanan berjalan kaki ini sangat berat, karena:
1. Kita semua harus membawa bawaan kita masing-masing. Kebanyakan sih anak-anak pada bawa tas carrier, tapi asal tau aja, tas itu beratttttttttttt banget.
2. Jalanan ke kampung yang mau kita tinggalin semalem itu gak beraspal. Kita harus melewati jalanan yang bertanah dan juga tanjakan dan juga turunan yang terasa gak ada ujungnya.

Temen gue, Devin & Zahira, selama perjalanan mereka selalu bilang "Ayo pemirsa! Sedikit lagi kita akan sampai di puncak gunung Himalaya Baduy!" (-_-) Mereka selalu pingin buat gue ketawa. Dan semakin banyak ketawa, gue selalu merasa lebih capek. Jadi, gue memutuskan untuk tidak banyak omong dan melanjutkan perjalanan.

Tadinya, kelompok gue kelompok yang jalan duluan, terus ditengah tanjakan, kelompok kita di susul sama kelompoknya anak cowok dan jadi lah kita kelompok kedua. Tapi, pas turunan, gue, Devin, Zahira, Sakina bisa nyusul yang anak cowok jadi kita yang sampai duluan di perkampungan tempat kita akan menginap.

Bener-bener capek. Muka anak-anak sampe merah dan rata-rata dari mereka langsung istirahat atau mencari tempat duduk.

Setelah istirahat sebentar, kita kumpul lagi. Kata pak Bobby, kita dikasih waktu untuk keluarin bahan-bahan makan malem biar nanti bisa dimasakin sama yang punya rumah. Terus kita adaptasi sebentar sama penduduk disitu. Setelah adaptasi dan lain-lainnya, kita main-main air di kali. Whoa! Air di kalinya dingin bgttttt! Dan kebetulan, pada saat itu yang anak-anak pada kebelet pipis. Ya....karena gaada toilet, kita terpakssa pipis di kali.

Setelah seneng-seneng main air di kali, kita semua ganti baju di rumah penduduk yang udah dibagi per kelompok. Setelah ganti baju anak-anak pada solat dan makan malem. Sebelum makan malem, gue dan Devin mau ke toilet, karena yang ditunjuk warga sekitar gajelas dimana arah toiletnya, jadi kita jalan aja terus ngelewatin kayak lorong diantara dua rumah. Karena ngeliat rumah yang di samping pintunya ada sikat gigi & odol, Devin tiba-tiba langsung ngebanting pintu itu. OOOPS! Ternyata itu bukan toilet melaikan rumah penduduk! Dan didalamnya ternyata ada orang lagi makan! Dengan perasaan gak enak, malu, dan juga ketakutan yang bercampur jadi satu kita minta maaf dan minta dikasih tau dimana tempat toilet itu.

Ternayata, toilet itu ga jauh. Keadaan toilet itu sangat minimalis. Saking minimalisnya, toiletnya gak ada pintunya! Yah....dengan penerangan yang seadanya, gue ke toilet bareng Devin.

Pas balik dari toilet, gue, Ms. Nur -kepala sekolah lazta- dan temen-temen sekelompok gue ngobrol-ngobrol di rumah. Terus, kita di panggil suruh kumpul. Ternyata, kita mau ketemu kepala suku Baduy. Kita dijelasin tentang Baduy. Oh iya, pas malem-malem itu, pak Agung, guru dari lazuardi cinere jelasin ke kita, bahwa ternyata, perjalanan kita hari  ini belom seberapa kalau emang misalnya kita mau ke Baduy yang dalemnya. (o.O)

Abis dikasih penjelasan sama kepala sukunya, kita semua disuruh ngafalin beberapa ayat untuk password besok. Nah.... baru deh, abis ngafalin ayat-ayat itu, baru deh kita boleh tidur ;)

I'm Only Me When I'm With You

Troubles shoot me right here through my chest
I was bleeding
But I didn't feel any pains

How could I stand up with a heart that broken?
How could I fix everything if every single thing was arranged randomly like a puzzle?

You will never believe how could I stand up bring all my pains
But I kept smile as long as I stand up here

One word that also can bring you up whenever you get down

You will never find out every magic what your friends spelled on you
They made you cry, laugh, sing, sleep, comfort, angry
And even their looks mess

They will always beside you
Friends will be beside you whenever, wherever, you need them
Friends will make you up into something unpredictable
And someday, you'll say "I'm only me when I'm with you, friends."


Friday, December 3, 2010

Black Window

2 days were never enough
His face reminds me of something
His beautiful eyes have something that pulled me
Cannot denied that he's interesting

From the other side of the window
I watched him sitting there
The shape of his face was enchanting
I can't clearly see his face
But I'm happy

Wish I could meet him again
Wish he would know me well
Wish he knew that he's one of something that made my journey was fantastic

Enchanted-Taylor Swift

There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place

Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
Starts to make it's way to me

The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wondered 'til I'm wide awake

And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"

It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you know
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I do hate copycat.

I want people to READ my blog not COPY-PASTE!!!!! oh fuck u queen bee-itch!

'All he hides' is originally MINE. But, someone has copy-paste it into her blog. Oh yes, of course bee-itch, I'll give you hell with all of my heart >:-)

And, uh..... I think you should think more creative than I am. Okay? And next time, don't mess up with me little cockroach. S-M-O-O-C-H-E-S! :-*

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I cried while I was sleeping
I remember how the first time we met
How the last time you say goodbye

You paint my darkness into a blue sky
But you turned it back into something worse

You're my rainbow and also my nightmare
You're the last thing I wish I could fight 'til the end of the world

I'm heartless
Knowing that you might out with another girl
I'm stupid
Knowing that you're all I've ever wanted
I'm holding
Cause I cannot move on
I'm wishing
Cause nothing I can do

I'm okay
I'll pretend that I'm okay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Move On With Me

Don't cry little girl
You know I'll be on your side
You know I'll reply your direct messages on twitter
You know I won't make you feel worry
You know I'm real

Night won't be long
You and him were ended up last night
But you and me were meant to be forever

Tears might be there for all nights long
But I'll wipe them
I'll turn your frown into smile

We'll dance until you can't move
We'll cry until no more tears out from our eyes
We'll scream until everyone in the whole world could hear us
We'll be the angels from the hell

We'll turn on the volumes
Beat of the music will throw us into the highest sky
We'll reach the star
Together we'll keep it forever

You'll sing to me a lullaby
We'll sleep tight under my pink bed cover
You'll sleep with a smile on your face


She loves him
He's so mean
She's laughing
hides her tears
He's crying
hides his laughs

She's out of her way
But he's begging her to stay
She's still love him
She's promise she will come back

She's still love him
She's finally come back
She's become more careful
But she's still falling

He needs love
But he won't give it to her
She's crying
She's loving him

But somewhere, someday
She'll realize that he's not worth it
He's mean

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stupid Monster

I met him last night
I saw his beautiful smile that I missed this 2 months
I had been trying to forget him
But it failed

I tried to pull my self from his things
But I can't
Every effort that I made,
It just made me love him more each day

I could control my self in front of him
But I lost my self when he disappeared

Wish that he knew what I've been dreaming of this long is only him
Wish that he knew how big my love for him but I can't tell it
Wish that he could read my mind and also I can read his mind

I'm good enough of pretending that you are nothing for me
But I can't keep on fool my self

"Don't judge a book from its cover"

I agree with that quote. People have a mask to protect their selves. Some people use glamor masks to hide their weakness. And some people use rebel masks to hide their kindness. I don't know which side I am. Well, every people has a good and a bad side, right? So, I guess they should have both kinds of that mask.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Just cry if you wanna cry.
Don't laugh when you're sad.
You know I'll be beside you when you need me.
I'll wipe your tears away.
I'll be what you want if he can't be your everything.

Ya know, this life would be hard without you.
I might not be this good without you.
I'll be the luckiest girl with you.
I'll be so grateful for having you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Best Friends

When I'm with them, my world turns into colorful
My tears turn into laughs
And all I see is a beautiful life

When I'm down, they lend their hands to me
They keep me up
They keep me warm
They sweep all worries in my heart

They put a big smile on my face
They erase that frown on my face
They make me feel like I'm not alone
I really can count on them

When I'm with them, I just be me
And I'm thankful for having them, my best friends.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Listen to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release

Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own all cause you won't listen

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind
You should have known
Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've gotta find my own


I never want to be like this
Being in this situation just killing me
I need something to hold on

But everyone is busy with their own business
I'm alone

When I'm just gonna ask my best friends for hang out together, they were taken by 'high school' problems
And when I need to talk to him, he's trying to disappear from me

I'm tired, I'm sick!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


There are many kinds of people in this world

People you can't far away of are your family and friends.
You really need them. I know it. Everybody knows it.

This is the hardest part: We have to share (the people you love) to everyone else.

And you might say that is easy to let someone go with his/her friends, but always followed by a little ego and jealousy.

I don't wanna be a little boss in YOUR life. I have mine.
I don't wanna be good when you're bad. We're best friends. We're good together.
But I am a human. And so you are.
I don't care who your friends are, but everytime you play with them, you left me alone.

I was crying in my bed room.
I posted what I felt on twitter.
And suddenly, you blamed on me.

I just remind you that I'm alone here. And you're happy with them.

You said that you're my best friend.
I'd rather didn't have none of them than have to hurt each other.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All He Hides

That was the first time
I saw my daddy cried in front of me
My world's turn to gray
On the table
Ate my lunch with tears on my cheeks

I thought Cinderella's step mother's only in a fairy tale
But now, it is exist in my real life

I'm tryin' to be strong
Keep my tears to not fall down
But I've tried my best

On the table
We cried together
Daddy told me that he's still a human
He has feelings that no one's know

I cried louder
When she just gonna leave
Daddy's let her go
We cried together

I never think about what he feels
He's lonely and where am I when he needs me?
He's crying inside his heart
And he's laughing in the outside

He promises me to take care of me
He promises me to love me
I believe it

Oh, mommy has gone
Sometimes, fairy tales were right
This world isn't fair

I am weak
But people are holding me up to keep being strong
No regretting
This is life
Enjoy it
Keep move on
Learn from your mistakes

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Selfish, Just Accept It.

My heart's crying
Oh baby, twitter becomes my diary every night
And facebook becomes an album of your photos
I see

I sent a message for you
I wait for you to reply mine
But I know you never reply it

Oh yes I know you're mad at me
And I'm trying so hard to forget you
But what can I do if my heart still miss you
What can I say if my brain still keep all the data of you

Oh, I'm not strong as you think
And I can't trough everything without you here

And when you're going to go
I hope you read all the messages I leave for you
I hope you understand all the reasons why I cry

This is all so stupid
I know I shouldn't cry over you
Cause I know you're not even cry over me

But this is what I feel
Please accept it

Thursday, September 9, 2010

If you can't say it, You can sing it!

" Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart 
There's nothing I can do... a total eclipse of the heart 
Once upon a time there was light in my life, but now there's only love in the dark 
Nothing I can say... a total eclipse of the heart " -Bonnie Tyler

"  So i'll let you go 
I'll set you free.....
And i hope you find everything that you need
I'll be right here waiting to see " -
David Cook

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok
I'm falling to pieces " -The Script

And I hope you find it,
What you're looking for
And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be
And so much more
And I hope you're happy, wherever you are
I wanted you to know that
And nothing's gonna change that
And I hope you find it "-Miley Cyrus

" An I can't stay mad at you for anything " -Demi Lovato ft. Joe Jonas

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Smiling outside, crying inside.

When you said you're gonna leave this little town, my heart were moved. There's something that wasn't in the right place in my heart. We are friends. But I want you more than friend. I was falling in love with you. And after you're leaving, I don't want to regret all what I have done. So, I decided to spend the time to get know you better and better and better than before. But, I don't get it what you mean. I don't know if being like this it just annoys you. And now, you're mad at me. What should I do? Say sorry? Did that for a hundred times. Should I begging on your knees? Seriously, I love you, but I'm gonna kill you.

"And i hope you find everything that you need, I'll be right here waiting to see"-David Cook

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here's The Deal

This post is dedicated to Gusthy Mongga Khairunnisa, my beloved best friend.

First thing she should know about me is I love her so much. I'll do everything just to make her happy, even I have to kill my self.

I love being with her cause she makes me feel comfort everytime me and her hang out together. I love her cause she keeps my story from A-Z. She's unpredictable. She's awesome.

Second thing she should know about my feeling is I don't know what the hell it is that makes her changed 180 degrees than before. All I know is, she is strong. Yes, stronger than me. All I know is, she'll keep saying that she's okay even she's no. All I know is, she knows where she has to be in the dark side or the bright side.

I'll hurt her if it's for her best. Not me, not even Tika. It's all about her I care about.
I do mad.
Cause someone stole my beloved best friend from my side.
And changed her into something I don't like.

Monday, August 23, 2010

True friends............

First, I could count on them.
Second, they are my heroes.
Third, I always feel comfort with them.
Fourth, they know my secrets from A-Z.
Fifth, they know my worries without I have to tell them.
Sixth, with them, all I can do is only: laugh.
Seventh, they won't let you do stupid things.......alone.
Eighth, time goes so fast when you spend it with them.
Ninth, seeing they cry in front of you is one of your biggest pains.
Tenth, I love you, guys.


One of the lucky girl

A little girl wrote what she felt in the very cold night:
          I'm just gonna die tonight. A step to my death. A step to a place where I belong. I have no one here that I can stand for. I'm alone. I'm not important in their eyes. They don't need me as I need them. My own problems eat me like they haven't eat for a thousand years.

A woman walks and found her cold and her letter, she said:
        You're not gonna die tonight. You're still have a billion steps to your death. God put you in this world and this is a place where you belong. You have people that love you, out there. You're not alone. You're important in God's eyes. They need you, but not for now. If you don't have any problems in your life, how could you learn something? Be grateful, girl....

That girl cried, her tears washed by the rain. She didn't know how could God sent her an angel that night.

She crossed out every words that she had write. She just realized that she is one of the lucky girl in this world. And all she can say is only thank you.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am a teenager.

How could we try to move on when all you can do is only thinking about him? When you wanna tell your story to your best friends about him, but then they said "STOP TELLING ME ABOUT HIM! I'm bored hearing you love him, and also hear your story that you've been hurt by him." Well, I'm a teenager. My heart's full of doubts. People really should understand this stupid crazy girl. But however, I think being shouted by your best friends if it's for your best, why not?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Easy to say, HELL to do!

The only thing I hate when I've got a lot of problems is when people said, "Be patient" or "You can just move on. Find another guy that respect you more than him". SHUT UP. You don't really know what I felt, right?
I might forget my problems, but I need time. And that is NOT EASY like you said. It's easy to say, HELL to do. No offense^^

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The monster says: HELLO!

Don't worry!
I am a monster, but I don't eat human. I eat oreo A LOT! I've been played by my own feelings, but I'm okay. Even sometimes I'm not okay, I'm still keep saying that I'm okay. I am imperfect but I have a lot of recipes that gonna makes your life happy! Let's be friends!