Sunday, July 28, 2013


안녕하세요! :(

I feel so sad. No, I'm just tired. SO TIRED.
I'm tired with the responsibilities that I hold.
I'm tired with people telling me what to do, but they never understand me.
I'm tired with bullshits people say, that makes me trust no one.
I'm tired with my family, the one that should've not let me behind, but they did.
I'm tired with people who rush, who being nice to me, only when they need me.

Once, a silly thought passed my head.
Do a suicide. Haha. I know. Silly, huh? #NoJudge
But should try being in my position too.
I try my best to do my responsibilities. I try not to pout when my parents tell me what to do, even if I don't agree with what they say. I heard bullshits everywhere, but I try not to judge.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Little Thing About Me

Hello Bloggers!
Well, yea. I feel tired lately. Thinking how's my life pass by these recent years just makes me feel I'm such a 'bala' person.

I'm afraid too. Why? Because every single thing that I touch is tumbled down.

I don't want people to be sad caused by me. Or have a mess life because there's me.

I'm just...
I wanna have a girls night out with my (not really) sisters.
Doing some 'photo shoot' or just let our imaginations come at night. Gah I miss those moment.

Oh by the way, I feel kinda lonely. Well not really. But yes.
What will you do, if at school, your closest friends, all of them, have a boyfie and you're not? It's like "Forever Alone" is really exist now at my dictionary. And thinking that they're gonna be busy with their boyfies just creeps me out.
But Thank God I have full schedule from July - August. And I think I can still handle my loneliness.
But I also think that I'm not good (AT ALL) at love thingy. And I'm not ready with couple-fight or things (just like my friends do, sometimes)

HAHAHA. I used to not write down my feelings like this on blogger. But, I this time, just let me do this, is that okay?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

What Should She Do?

There's a little girl. My friend. She doesn't good at love-thingy.

One day, there's a friendly boy. He said that she's cute. She laughed.

Later, they met each other and they got a chance to talk.

He pinched her cheek and keep saying that she's cute.

At first, she only thought that it's because she's funny.

But his touch might be addictive to her.

Ah, poor her.

Once upon a time, he was standing next to her.

He poked her arm. Signed her that he was next to her.

She acted like it was annoying. But it brought her a sunny-feeling.

Day by day, every time they met, they threw smile.

And day by day, she got confuse with her feeling.

Her friend reminded her that he was only being friendly

And she also conscious.

Somehow, she doesn't want to get hurt.

But her other heart is still searching where he's standing.

What should she do?


Who are you?
I mean, really, who are you?
And who am I?

Why can't I treat you like I treated people
Why do I smile when you near

I know you're no good for me
But there's something about you that makes me want to know about you more and more and more

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What Valentine Means for Me

Hi people! Long time no blogging. I'm here want to tell what valentine means for me.

Banyak orang yang bilang kalo valentine itu hari kasih sayang. Well, kebanyakan orang yang merayakan valentine bersama pasangannya masing-masing. Valentine identik dengan coklat, bunga, dan benda-benda yang kebanyakan berwarna pink.
Ada pengalaman menarik yang gue dapet pas valentine kemarin (14/02/2012). Waktu itu, gue sakit, dan mengakibatkan gue ga masuk sekolah. Pagi-pagi, pas gue bilang ke temen gue kalo gue sakit, temen gue ga percaya. Mereka malah ngira gue kesiangan. Sampe akhirnya, pas gue izin ke guru gue, mereka baru percaya. Siangnya, temen-temen gue nanya tentang tugas kita yang disuruh bikin drama. Akhirnya setelah dirembukin, kita sepakat mau buat drama beauty & the beast. Pas gue lagi bikin naskahnya, salah satu temen gue ga mau jadi beauty nya. Akhirnya gue nyari solusi ke temen gue yang satu kelompok juga sama gue. Dan yang bikin gue kesel adalah dia cuma bales bbm gue "dunno". Gue yang kesel, gondok berusaha untuk sabar aja. Gue ga terlalu mikirin tentag peran-perannya. Akhirnya, gue ngelanjutin bikin naskah dramanya. Ga lama kemuadian, sekitar jam setengah 3, ada yang ngetok-ngetok kamar gue. Gue kira itu adek gue, tapi pas gue buka pintu kamar gue, TADAAAA! Ternyata temen-temen gue dateng buat ngunjungin gue. Gue yang seneng banget dan terharu banget. Mereka rela-relain dateng ke rumah gue, abis pulang sekolah, cuma buat ngejenguk gue :')
Jadi, the point is, sebetulnya hari kasih sayang itu bisa di rayain kapan aja. Kalau kita memang sayang pada seseorang, kita akan merayakan rasa sayang dengan orang itu tidak dalam hari tertentu saja. Oh ya, dan menunjukan kalau kita sayang sama seseorang juga ga perlu dengan coklat atau bunga atau benda-benda yang mahal kok. Dengan menunjukan kalau rasa sayang kita tulus, pasti orang itu juga bahagia. So, let's spread the love, people!<3

Monday, October 3, 2011


Ketika langit merah berganti warna
Ketika gelapnya malam datang tanpa hiasan sang bulan
Kau undang aku kedalam khayalku
Terlepas dari kandang lusuh
Terbang bebas menuju dunia penuh harapan
Hembusan angin membawa diri ini terbang jauh
Tersesat di dalam pikiran
Tak temukan jalan kembali
Desisan suara mu terkenang di kepala ku
Bagai alunan musik indah yang mengajak ku tuk menari

Tak ingin berpisah dari bayang dirimu
Ku biarkan diriku tersesat dalam gelapnya khayalku
Dalam gelapnya malam tanpa hiasan sang bulan

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No title.

I'm not like other girls
I don't wear shorts or 10-centi heels
I don't need red lipstick just to kiss you
No I don't

You are kind of a bad boy
It's 3 a.m
You sent me those sweet messages
You showed me that you care
But now,
No, you don't.

Oh I'm such a fool
for falling for you
For blushing for every stupid messages
that you sent

You played me
Betrayed me
But I'm still ok
Still standing here like a steal

Oh, congrats boy
My heart is craving for you now
What you left is only stupid chat history
Stupid me for trusted you

Now I'm still check out your profile
Wondering you'd tweet me
But actually,
No you don't

You played me
Betrayed me
But I'm still ok
Still standing here like a steal

Oh, congrats boy
My heart is craving for you now
What you left is only stupid chat history
Stupid me for trusted you

I'm not like other girls
I don't wear shorts or 10 centis heels
And you know what????
I'm so much better!

You played me
Betrayed me
But I'm still ok
Still standing here like a steal

Oh, congrats boy
My heart is craving for you now
What you left is only stupid chat history
And, oh wait,
Stupid you for not keeping me right.